the family

the family

Thursday, November 6, 2008

catching up

well its been a few days, halloween was okay, we stayed in as planned and the boys dressed up and played and ate candy. we passed out some candy to the neighbors who came by and still had plenty to eat on for a while.

the boys and i also got our flu shots this week, its a very important thing, with us having zach here at home. we are trying to minimize every contact with anything as much as we can humanly possible. i also spent over 2 hours at the eye dr yesterday for both the boys, what a nightmare, kids crying, eye drops to dialate the eyes, the waiting, the crying cause one was going second and one first, the crying over staying and waiting and then crying over was horrendious (sp)! at least we dont have to go back again for a year and their eyes are good. mikey has his hearing test with the audiologist on dec 4th, he will meet with the speech therapist next week though and see what she says. we eliminated the eyesight as the issue, still waiting to hear back from the school for the dislexia testing.

this deployment is really starting to suck, lol i mean of course it is, but the holidays are coming up and its just feeling lonely. im trying to be excited for the kids about christmas and decorating and gifts, but im not there just yet. thanksgiving...forget it not even concerned about it. christmas has always been my fav. and sad but true Harold has missed quite a few, causing us to usually celebrate way early or slightly later, usually earlier. winter time is also a bad time for depression aside from financial worries most people face, and other life struggles, but the sun isnt out as much and it can cause SAD(seasonal affected depression) in some people, im one, thankfully this year i have a jump start on that.

zach is rolling....yep i typed it, im screamin it! ZACH ROLLED, not just once or twice, 3 times in one day, at least 5 yeasterday within 15 minutes!! he is a rolling machine! he can only roll to the right from his back to his tummy and then get gets stuck, but its soooo much progress. zach will continue seeing a ocupational therapist 3 times a week and he will see a physical therapist, hopefully soon, 3 times a week....YEA!!! im still waiting to hear about a speech therapist.

our new day nurse, well she has been here with us about a month, is so amazing, we are very blessed, she is incredibly kind and sweet and great at her job. she loves zach and he adores her. its awesome. and just icing on the cake, she has become a very good friend of mine, we talk thru-out the day and watch tv, nothing to exciting i know but she has planned to attempt to help me out in the kitchen im not a good cook at all so im anxious to try and learn. we hope she stays on with us for a long time, i know she will be having their second child in may so im unsure what will take place at that time, but for now we will just count our blessings.

i miss my husband, i cant believe it hasnt even been a month! BOO!!!!! im thankful to the boys for keeping me busy, it helps with the time, but im also exhusted. so i guess its like a double edged sword. anyway time for me to get to bed. goodnight:)

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