well again its been a lil bit, seems like time passes rather quickly around here and before i know it, its a new day, not that thats always a bad thing, but its hectic. Today Zach had his pulmonology follow up, he did WONDERFUL! his lungs sounded great, he is now been put on PRN (AS NEEDED) Treatments of his rescue nebulizer medication, xopenex, so instead of getting it EVERY 6 hours, he gets it as needed, this is a FIRST since he started the medication!! wahoo!! zach lasted the tops, 5 minutes, off the oxygen at the clinic for their lil "test" they do each time he comes in, usually he only lasts 30 seconds, meaning he drops his sats very fast without oxygen, today was MUCH BETTER!!the pulmo doc was very impressed and i was THRILLED! this explains why he has been tugging at the oxygen and such, he says he dont need it!! the doc said we can lower the oxygen to 1/2 litter, but no further for now, we need to wean off his diuretics first and then the oxygen, so were making progress!! Zach has also been making progress in therapy as well, rolling back and forth and attempting to get his knee under him (you need to do this to crawl) its said a "normal" developing baby when learning how to do something such as rolling or climbing will do the activitie 1500 times a day, so zach is just "being normal".
Mikey has his christmas party tomorrow, can you believe its nearly christmas already? wowzers, im telling ya, time flies~! im baking cookies tonight for the party, ooey gooey chocolate and lemon cookies, yummo.
Mikey is doing pretty good in school and seems to enjoy it, i think all the extra help and tutoring are paying off, thank the heavens!!
Chance on the other hand, im not sure what school will hold for him, he already counts to 100, without skipping any, counts by 10"s to 100, spells, MICHEAL, says all of his abc's in order, knows his shapes and colors, is starting to try to sound out words and is now counting backwards from 10-1 perfect and i heard him today attempting to count back from 100 he got to like 96. i guess he is picking up where we are working with mikey, but holy moly!!
overall the kids are doing good and im waiting till winter break is here so i can rest for a bit at home.
Harold recieved his tree and gifts, so it was nice to know he is getting some christmas cheer too. he seems like he is doing okay, we miss him and the boys miss him a bunch, just hoping next christmas he will be home with us.
My friend had her beautiful baby on dec 5th, she is a beauty. she was born with CHARGE syndrome, parents had no clue till after birth. she required some extra oxygen for a few days, but is off of it now. she had a feeding tube placed surgically at 8 days old, she cant swallow for now, so this is the way she gets food for now. her ears are slightly different (i think they are adorable, like lil elf ears) but this is also one of the signs of the syndrome, and she can have vision and hearing problems, worse case, blind and deaf, not sure the extent of it yet. she also has a hole in her heart, they think should close on its own, i believe she still has some fluid on her head that they are watching, and other than that she is great! she is a doll, they call her snowflake and tomorrow ifinally get to meet her! i cant wait!!
and something i think santa should know, before he passes me up this year i have one thing to say...... I CAN EXPLAIN...... give me one chance:)
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