Stolen from a friends blog. Decided this would be a great way to share a bit about me here's the run down of what the posts will look like, ill try to keep up with these.
Day 1-Favorite Song
Day 2-Favorite Movie
Day 3-Favorite Television Show
Day 4-Favorite Book
Day 5-Favorite Quote
Day 6-Most Treasured Item
Day 7-A Photo That Makes You Happy
Day 8-Something You Hate
Day 9-Something That Makes Your Life Easier
Day 10-A Photo Taken Over 10 Years Ago of You & A Current One
Day 11-Favorite Band/Artist
Day 12-Something you are OCD about
Day 13-Something or Someone that has had a huge impact on your lif
Day 14-Somewhere You’d Love to Travel
Day 15-Describe Your Dream Home or show us a picture
Day 16-Who Do You Do the Most Crazy Things With
Day 17-Your Biggest Insecurity & Something About Yourself You Are proud of
Day 18-Wedding Talk (share stories, photos, both, anything having to one you had or the one you dream of)
Day 19-A talent/hobby of yours
Day 20-Something you wished you could forget
Day 21-A recipe you love
Day 22-Some of Your Favorite Websites
Day 23-Something you love to watch on youtube
Day 24-Where You Live? Tell us or show us about where you live.
Day 25-Who is/are your best friends?
Day 26-Favorite clothing store.
Day 27-Worst Habit
Day 28-What’s in Your purse, backpack or computer bag?
Day 29-Who Has gotten you through the most?
Day 30-A dream for the future beyond the next year…think long term
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