yep, we followed the yellow brick road to the good wizards office, we sat anxiously waiting to see if he could help us. the wizard looked nothing like we had envisioned, he was caring and kind and very warm. he took sympathy to us and listened as i talked about the issues were facing. the wizard talked to mikey and they had a semi conversation, the wizard said, mikey is moody so maybe a mood disorder but he didnt think anything else. my heart broke, this was our last hope and i felt like the wizard was giving up on him and not reviewing him closely enough, then it happend.
the wizard took mikey outside, without chance to bother him, had him review a story board(series of pics that made a story and see if he understood it) it had irony in it but at a stage that mikey should be able to nail it, only mikey didnt. mikey is a very litteral thinker, such as if i say "pick up your toys" he will do just this, but he will walk about with them in his hand as i didnt tell him what to do with them, so he doesnt understand i want him to put the toys in the toy box. mikey and chance did their normal routine in the wizards office, they fought and screamed and cried and the good wizard just watched and observed. he told me "whats happening is,mikey is a BLACK or WHITE kid, there is no gray, so in mikeys mind he is always right, and he cant "let chance win" anything cause he doesnt see the social cues that tell him chance is upset, so he continues that he is right, chance gets mad, and violent, adn mikey doesnt understan why so he becomes violent" the wizard said this may be something mikey never gets better with. in the end he was 100% sure to say mikey has Aspergers syndrome, its on the autistic spectrum. you see mikey has a 110 iq, higher than average (90) for his age but his social iq is probably 70 (borderline retarded), but mikey is no where near retarded! he is just packaged a little different and learns in his own special way.
Mikey had tutoring with his teacher today and she tested him on the reading (he was diagnosed with dyslexia) and he was reading a level 0, kids his age in school should be at a 8, he was tested at a 3 last week and we were happy to see he was there, today she said she pushed him and he got a level 6! can you believe it! he is almost there! we may hit second grade after all:)
Chance and Zach will also be meeting with the wizard in the future to discuss them, he is a developmental dr and i am VERY impressed thus far. he also gave me some info on aspergers syndrome therapy in town and a support group for me, to get respite care where i can drop the kids off and get away for a few hours, and meet other moms whose husbands are deployed. he asked if i was taking any medication and i told him, he said he would be popping the zoloft and vodka ever couple hours. made me smile. i know there is a lot of stress here, but i just dont deal with it, and i bottle it up and at times the tears just stream. i miss Harold, i miss "normal" i LOVE all my boys, they are all amazing gifts, but we are like a FREAK show when we go anywhere. "toto i dont think were in kansas anymore"
were 1/4 way thru this damn deployment.
Zach is making progress in his stander, he stayed 20 minutes today without crying, how amazing is that!?!
ive almost 100% left my addiction for dr pepper, my long love for over 15 years in the past, ive switched to coke zero, and am hoping to shed some weight. wish me luck.
"theres no place like home, theres no place like home, theres no place like home"
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