well zach had a new fitting today for a new set of braces for his feet, he had his last ones done in may?? and finally had a growth spurt, so it was time. the ones this time required no casting, instead there were multiple sets of measurements taken, apparently the typical foot is symmetrical, luckily the guy measured both zach's just to see....sure enough the left foot is wider than the right, the right is longer than the left and there were other small differences when he measured the ankle area and so forth, zach completely thru the guy off his game today, he just couldnt believe that there were so many areas that werent symmetrical. ....leave it to zach. :) he also said that zach's right foot seemed to show more spastic tendancies, so hopefully the new braces will help with those as well. here is a website about the braces, zach's will be the jungle theme with red velcro straps, so cute:)http://www.surestep.net/smo.php
we also saw the ENT today, i was worried since zach has been punching the tar out of his ears, turns out BOTH ear tubes have come out, the one from our visit to the pedi last week and the one in his right ear today was no longer where it should be, so it will be falling out soon. good news is, ears look great, doc looked in zach's mouth to to make sure strep was gone, he said it was and that his tonsils are VERY swollen, said that on a scale of 1-4 zach's were a 3+ were suppose to keep an eye on it but i have a feeling this is whats causing the snoring, the dip in oxygen while he sleeps, etc. he said he doesnt take them out of kids under 3 but since zach is now 3 its most definatly a possibility.
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